NDA and CDS are the most sought-after defence entrance exams in the country. However, there are differences in the exam pattern, eligibility, salary, ranks, etc. Read this article to know the difference between NDA and CDS exams. NDA vs CDS: The National Defence Academy (NDA) and the Combined Defence Services (CDS) exams are conducted to select candidates for the Indian Armed Forces. Though both the exams are conducted by the Union Public Service Commission twice a year, there are many similarities and differences in the recruitment, training, salary, perks, promotion, eligibility, etc. National Defence Academy (NDA) is the joint services academy of the Indian Armed Forces. Here, the cadets of the three services, the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force train together before they go on to the respective service academies for further pre-commissioning training. Combined Defence Services (CDS) is the examination for recruitment into Indian Military Academy, Officers Training Academy, Indian Naval Academy, and Indian Air Force Academy.